April 4, 2009

This week

This has been quite the week. My sister has moved in with us and I am adjusting. I haven't lived with her since we were younger. Although the circumstances for this is difficult, I am praying that her and I will become much closer.

I have worked close to 45 hours this week at work [plus going to school]. We are trying to get the store ready for corporate to come in and evaluate our store. It is exhausting. They will be at our store on Thursday and will not even be there very long, but it should be interesting. Our district manager, Don, will also be at the store Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday getting us ready for them.

Finals are coming up in a couple of weeks and I am ready for school to be out. I am so ready for this summer to be here. I am ready for China to be back. I am having a slight problem though. Please pray that funds would be made available to pay for my trip. I believe that God will provide for it. It is just hard to see right now.


Melissa said...

Praying for all of the above. If people are interested in giving toward the China trip... how do they do that? Could you post the info (how much you need, when it is due, who to make the check out to, etc.) on the blog?

Love you!

Anonymous said...

im ready for summer too.