January 29, 2011

Summer Excursion...Stepping Out of This Boat

As I look out into the world that we so comfortably live in today, I see so many things wrong. We are so comfortable in the lives that we live and so set, but are we looking at what is really going on behind the scenes?? And if we do see it, do we care?

This summer I am going out in this world and finding out what the Creator of this world is doing behind the scenes. I am going after the call that He has placed in my path. I am so excited that He is giving me the chance to break out and venture into the unknown in so many of our views. I will be going to a number of countries to work hand in hand with ministries through and across the map. I will spend about 10-12 weeks out and about, reporting all along the way.

If you would like to give to the cause, I will be doing numerous fundraisers. If you would like to donate, you may also feel free to message me on Facebook [Chelsea Martin] or e-mail me at martinchels@gmail.com. I will be putting out a monthly newsletter on updates before the trip with prayer requests and updates on it and would be delighted to add anyone, who would like to be added, to the list. If you e-mail, please make the subject line Matthew 10.

Thank you for your prayers and support!