January 25, 2009


Joseph and I are embarking on a new journey together. :)

January 24, 2009

Brief Update

Work and school have been keeping me extremely busy. The job that I thought would be 30 hours a week has brought me to realize that it is usually going to be between 30 and 40. Tonight was my first night to close by myself...and of course something had to go wrong. My paperwork wouldn't print and I had no clue what to do when it wouldn't.

Also, Joseph and I have started hanging out again. We went on our second first date last night. It was great. It brought back so many memories. It was repeat of our first first date. And really sweet. :) We are going out with a couple from our church, good friends of ours, tomorrow night after church and after I get off work. I am excited.

Well, that's it for now. Sorry it's not much.

January 9, 2009


I GOT THE JOB!! :) I started training tonight on how to close and learn how to open in the morning.

Oh yeah, and I started classes today at JSU.

January 6, 2009

New in 09

I am now officially a student at Jacksonville State University and start classes on Friday.


Last Sunday, I got offered the shoe manager position at Peebles. At first, our DM, Stan, had told Connie [my wonderful boss] that he wanted her to interview other people as well. I found out today that she interviewed others and they just didn't seem right and so...I have a interview with Stan on Thursday for the job. :)

January 3, 2009

School days...

As another year has come and gone so quickly, I have found that my heart has learned many lessons this year. I have managed to finish my first year of college only to have to begin college all over again a few months later. I have achieved going on my first major mission trip while also managing to go out of the country for the first time and also get on a plane for the first time.

A few lessons I have learned...

- God has to come before anything that I bring into my life. If He is not first, then not only one thing, but many others will begin to pile up before Him and in His place.

- Jesus is my heartbeat; missions is my passion. I truly enjoy serving others. It is what I was made for. Serving and helping other people gives me such joy.

- My greatest dream is to open an orphanage in a foreign country. I have taken my first step towards that and am working towards the second step.

- I should never be allowed in a kitchen by myself cooking...ever...things end up burnt.

- Me + empty house alone = one very paranoid 20 yr old.

- I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, but sometimes have to make myself refrain from being around people so that I can concentrate on alone time with my Father.

- I will probably never [or not for a long time anyway] ride a go kart again. I am not fond of them right now...or the drugs I have to take to be able to feel ok after having wrecked one...

Well, that's all of my lessons for now. I am sure there are many I forgot, but I am stopping there for now.

School starts on Thursday [and orientation in Tuesday]. I am super pumped, yet so nervous all at the same time. Jacksonville State is so much bigger than Southeastern, which really doesn't make me feel real great about it. But I am so ready to get into what God has waiting for me. Becoming a Social worker is my next step to achieving the Big Dream God has placed within me. I am so excited and cannot wait to see who I get to meet through this program at JSU and can't wait to see how He will use me to help so many.

Also, I am starting my fundraising for China. I get to go back this summer. :) The trip is a couple hundred dollars more than it was last year, but I know God will provide like He did last year.

Out for now.

January 1, 2009

Winter Xtreme 08

I went to Winter Xtreme this week with the students. It was an awesome time with some really great bands and speakers. Unfortunately, my body didn't have as much fun. Monday, I was sick. Tuesday, I felt great; yet that evening came to an end when I wrecked the go kart I was driving on a track. And Wednesday, I was reaping the benefits from the wreck. My body is still really sore, but I had xrays done and no bones were broken [praise the Lord]. He gave me some meds and sent me on my way. I am praying for quick recovery and hoping that I will be alright enough to go to work tomorrow.