February 11, 2009


I just found out tonight that my Sister is joining the Air Force. Once enlisted, she will head off to Texas to stay on base for 4 months. This is going to be difficult for many of us as she is very important to us.

February 5, 2009

Daily Doses

I have started a new blog. I encourage you to check it out. So far, there is just the foreward on it, but tonight it will contain more.

The site is chelsdevo@blogspot.com


February 3, 2009

Are you ready for a revolution?

These past few weeks have been insane. I figure I would go ahead and update while I have a chance. For the few of you that actually read this, here goes...

All I have really had time for lately is just going to school and work and church. It has been difficult to factor anything else in, but God has still been so awesome. He is still continuing to speak so much into my life and showing me so many things all in the craziness of my everyday life. It just goes to show that God is not limited to anything that my feeble mind can come up with to be a hindrance. It may seem that no extra time is to be found, but I have realized that I have sweet opportunity to encounter God more closely than usual in my commute between school and work. I have also been able to encounter Him walking between classes. It is quite the stride between buildings, but it doesn't seem to be so terrible when I get to converse with my amazing Creator. His beauty is more majestic than I can comprehend. I praise my Father for allowing me these opportunities and can only hope that He will use me on the campus of JSU. He knows how much they need Him. I am ready to see the campus rocked and revolutionized. He can do it. I will continue to make myself available.

All for now.