November 27, 2008

Happy thanksgiving!

I have the most amazing friends in the world. Yes, you...

I could never thank God enough for blessing me with the people He has allowed to be in my life. You are each so precious to me and I want you to know that I am so thankful for you.

And I also thank you for being a part of my journey. I appreciate the role that you each play in my life. You are wonderful.

p.s. Random thought...I don't understand why 'turkey day' replaces 'thanksgiving' as today's name...

Have a happy thanksgiving!

November 21, 2008


I started my new job on Wednesday. I sat and watched videos for hours only to find out last night that I really didn't have to. Yesterday was my first day on the floor. I loved it. I worked from 10-9 [open to close]. Of course I was exhausted after work, but I learned soo much! I think that is only a few things that I don't know how to do now. I am really excited about it. I have never done retail before, but I think this is one job that I was made for. I helped this older lady pick out a whole outfit and some other stuff too. It was a lot of fun! :) I have found that when I greet a customer and ask if they need help finding anything...well, i actually have to help. lol. I don't know where hardly anything is except by department/section. But it is helping me to learn the whole floor. We had two new kids start last night and I was walking the girl around and explaining stuff to her like I had been there for forever.

Anyway, this is just to say...I like this job a lot! :)

out for now.

November 15, 2008

House/dog sitting weekend

This weekend has been another one of those good ole 'stay at someone else's house while they aren't there' kinda weekends. I am not 100% sure why I volunteer to do this for people when I know it creeps me out, but I guess it is good for me...mayybe...I went to see Katie and the kids this weekend and also got to hang out some while I wasn't at the house. I just thought I would include some fun pics. So, here they are...

katie, me, and nikki [sisters got the new cut too]

rylee brooke [my new niece]

i feel like this one deserves a little explanation...this was after i had put a small piece of painter's tape on his mouth...he liked it and decided to keep it there...

Maggie wanted to play this morning when I took her out...she has a sister, but Twiggy doesn't like me and won't let me take her picture

now it is time for drawing and Gilmore Girls before bed. :)

out for now. :)

November 12, 2008

Push comes to shove

Tonight was very interesting. I was going over notes for my 15 minute presentation about my trip to China when I was suddenly told that Bro. Tim, our pastor, wouldn't be at church tonight. I was supposed to share and then he was going to speak. So, I quickly found out [20 mins before service started] that I had charge of the entire service! I panicked! I went into Jim's office and began searching for more info and trying to figure out how I was going to turn a 15 min presentation into 30-45 mins. After I calmed down, I went into the sanctuary and read over my journal a little bit and finally found a passage to talk about. I ended up filling the entire service by sharing about our camps and experiences, talking about Joshua 1, watching a video I made, and having a question session. And as people asked questions, I remembered more and more that I wanted to share. It turned out really great!

November 9, 2008

Super fantastic weekend

This weekend was so wonderful! Friday I drove over to Birmingham to spend an evening at the Hawkins' house with Melissa, Mrs. Kathy, and Dr. Hawkins. We enjoyed a nice meal and fellowship. It was a nice foreign affair. DHawk shared India pictures with us and I was able to share China pictures and we talked about various mission trips and such. It was fantastic. I was also able to spend a good bit of time with Mel. It was much needed. :) After all, we hadn't seen each other in ages...ok ok, so it was only a couple months, but that is a really REALLY LONG time. We went for a jog/walk in Veteran's Park. [so wonderful] I was surprised I made it for as long as I did. [Thanks Melissa for the drive and encouraging] I was also able to catch up with Mallorie this weekend over some Starbucks. [white hot choc is the best...mmm :)]

Today at church was so much fun. We are learning about the roles each person has in a family. This consists of the women, men, and students splitting up and each having their own lesson. Tonight in the student's quarters we talked about respecting your parents. Jim asked Jessica, Callie, and I to come up with a skit to the song R.E.S.P.E.C.T by Aretha Franklin. And the pictures below can show you what we came up with...

me in all my...well...i dont know what you would call it...
Jessica [wife], me [husband], and Callie [rebellious son]
We obviously have too much fun dressing up together, but it just wouldn't be the same without them. The kid in me especially comes out when I am around these girls. They are awesome! [And just in case this thought is crossing your mind...No, you don't need to be worried about us] We started the song with a short skit and then went into the song with Jess leading and me as her background singer and oober crazy dancer. You can only imagine

Anyway, that's all for now. Til next time...

November 2, 2008

In recent news...

Well, it has been a while since I have updated everyone on how everything is going my way. I am not real sure how many people actually read this, but for those of you who do, thanks. And for you inquiring minds, here's the spill.

God has been doing such an amazing work in me in the past couple of weeks. I am seeing so much of His glory in everything I encounter from day to day. My worry level has certainly gone down as my faith has been increasing. For those of you who pay attention on Facebook, you may have seen that Joseph [my bf of 14 months] and I are not dating anymore. I did not feel as if the relationship I was in was headed in God's direction. I have been so much more of myself the past couple of weeks and have been so happy. I know that sounds really mean, but I know it is certainly in the will of God for my life that I am a single person. My focus and drive has to be on Him before it can be on anyone or anything else. I know that He is going to handle everything else. God is so amazing and I am so blessed to have wonderful people in my life to support me. I thank Him each day for giving me such wonderful friends.

Also, I have been in search of a new job. While I still really enjoy being in construction and doing something new almost everyday, I have to have a new job for when I start school in January. Please be in prayer with me on this. Chad, my brother-in-law, told me that a lady is looking for a college student to come and work for her 20 hrs a week that is going into something related to human resources. As most of you know, I am going into Social Work at Jacksonville State...I would say that social work and human resources are pretty connected. :) I am hopeful and Chad is going to put in a good word for me. It is really good pay and not many hours a week. Plus, some experience to go with my field. This is what I decided a while back that I really wanted to do when school started, so I am praying that this is why no one has called me back from other jobs I have applied for. If not though, I will just know that it is not meant to be. I am trusting Him in this.

Well, I think that is pretty much it right now. OH wait! I take that back. One more thing. This week Jim and Donna are on vacation. They left for Maggie Valley, NC yesterday morning and will return next Saturday. For the record, I don't enjoy being home by myself. It pretty much freaks me out and I really miss both of them.

Ok, that's really all for now. Peace.