August 18, 2008

The Start of Something New

Let me just start off by saying that, I am not one to just write about how my day was or something like that. Generally when I think of blogs, I think of writing down my thoughts to share. Most of those being on Facebook and Myspace of course. It gets out to people that way. I have recently been introduced to this blog site and have found interest in writing down other stuff besides just 'profound' thoughts, as some like to call them.

So, this is me, starting my new blog. I plan to just write updates as they come to let whomever that reads this know what is going on with me. New experiences are to be shared, thoughts of course, and just whatever comes to mind when I feel like writing.

I want to welcome you to the inside of my head. Please take precaution as the thoughts tend to be jumbled, out of order, and put down as they come.



Melissa said...

Yea! Welcome to the blogging world! Love you girl!

Mae said...

Chels! Didn't know you have a blog! a grand welcome :)